Sunday, September 16, 2007


Six-year-old Greg asked me tonight, "Dad, have you ever had a dream that robbers came into your house and stole all of your stuffed animals?" "No, son, not that I can remember." "Well I did, and the boss of the burglars was eating a burger as long as the earth!"

Okay Freudians, give me your interpretations.


Mrs. Who said...

He's had a nightmare of Al Gore...taking all our comfort away from us. Poor baby.

shoprat said...

Children's dreams can be strange. But then so can adults.

robinstarfish said...


Anonymous said...

Definitely not a dream interpreter here, but I'd say watch the frig for a midnight raider!!

Anonymous said...

To see or eat a hamburger in your dream, suggests that you are lacking some emotional, intellectual, or physical component you need in order to feel whole again. You may be feeling unsatisfied with some situation or relationship. It is also symbolic of your experiences and how you need to learn from them. Look at the big picture.

Courtesy of :)

Sounds like some insecurities cropping up.