Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Ted Cruz is revolutionary enough for the populists, without being too revolting for the Polite Set.

Ace of Spades writes today,
we are either going to lose the Trump Wing of the party, or the Establishment Wing of the party -- either way, the party cracks in half, irreparably, and we get Hillary Clinton.

Unless the alleged Smart Set stops agitating for the candidate they Love, Love, Love because he's a polished member of their Class and accepts a candidate who they can live with, who, it turns out, is a candidate the Trump Wing doesn't love but could live with as well, because he's more anti-Establishment than Trump and also, at this point, firmer on the immigration issue than Trump too.

That candidate is Ted Cruz, of course.

...Ted Cruz is revolutionary enough for the populists, without being too revolting for the Polite Set.

He is, quite literally -- and I've never said this before -- the only man who can save the party. The only man who can keep it together.

The only man who can actually defeat Hillary Clinton.

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