Sunday, December 08, 2013

Cathedral, Game, and the Internet

Have you read about the concept of Cathedral? The Social Pahtologist blog uses it to describe

our left wing baby boomer overlords and their thought police, the Media, Arts and Learning Establishment.

How about the concept of Game?

Game is essentially the use of truth in pursuit of sex. Just as the experience of abject poverty pushed many a man to the cause of Socialism so does success with Game push men towards Conservatism.

The other issue which infuriates the Liberals is how Game is spread. They have no control. Whereas traditionally, the Cathedral, by having a monopoly on media control could police what the public got to see, the internet totally bypasses the mechanism. The internet has become a sort of underground press where freedom of speech, both crazy and sane is beyond Cathedral reach and thus dangerous ideas can ferment there.

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