I think it is fun to take tests to show where I am on various issues. This one tells where we stand on left/right, authoritarian/libertarian issues. The red dot shows I came out a little right of center and more toward the libertarian side of things than the authoritarian side. Are you surprised? I'm not. Some of the questions were frustrating, but I guess it is best just to answer quickly and move on to the next question.
Take the test and tell me where you came out. I found this at neo-neocon.
It surprised me. I was in the same value as far as left-right, but I was one value further toward authoritarian than you were. I didn't think i was so close to center, but it's all in the way the questions were worded.
Odd for me too. I'm somewhere between Thatcher and Friedman more toward the line between them. I thought I'd be extreme right or libertarian. But like Walrilla I found some of the questions hard to answer because I didn't really have an opinion ha.
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