Ann Coulter has some comments about who benefits when "whenever liberals start loftily insisting on our obligation to our fellow man." You know some heinous public policy is coming. As soon as the dust settles, you won't see any innocent victims being helped, only trial lawyers, government employees and other Democratic constituencies." For Brian Williams she has this to say:
"As for Brian Williams' grandstandy question to Gov. Rick Perry about Texas' execution rate ("Have you struggled to sleep at night with the idea that any one of those might have been innocent?"): There is no credible evidence that a single innocent person has been executed in this country since at least 1950.
There is, however, a lot of evidence that innocent people have been killed when murderers were not executed.
Indeed, one of the most infamous cases of a former death row inmate being released and then killing again comes from Texas. Kenneth McDuff had been given three death sentences for kidnapping and murdering three teenagers, repeatedly raping one.
But he was sprung from prison after the Supreme Court invalidated the death penalty in 1972 and then Texas began releasing inmates to relieve prison overcrowding. McDuff went on to kill more than a dozen people, provably eight more. He was finally executed by Gov. George Bush in 1998, two decades after his post-death row rape and murder spree began."
For Wolf Blitzer she has this to say:
"Following up on Brian Williams' showboating questions at last week's Republican debate about the execution of the innocent and starving children with distended stomachs, this week, CNN's Wolf Blitzer launched his question about an imaginary comatose man without health insurance.
As Rep. Ron Paul began to discuss the pitfalls of collectivism, Blitzer kept interrupting him, concluding with, "But Congressman, are you saying that society should just let him die?"
That's when an audience member yelled out "Yes!" -- allowing liberals to luxuriate in self-righteousness, the likes of which we have not seen since the Jersey Girls demanded a Homeland Security Department be created because their husbands died.
Normal people are sick of liberals' emotional stories that play to soccer moms, but always seem to pave the way for disastrous social policies that benefit only left-wing special-interest groups."
1 comment:
I firmly believe there are people whose crime is of such a heinous nature only death is an acceptable punishment.
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