What does Christ do in your life? He brings you closer to that person you were meant to be and you know you're not. We're all spending a lot of our energy hiding the fact that we are not the persons God meant us to be. But we can't hide it from Christ. Turn to Him and ask Him to bring you closer to that person you were meant to be.
Andrew is addressing the Catholic rape scandal in Pennslyvania. An immense sin against the human spirit. Survivors say in a CBS interview that they don't like the word "abuse" because it is too mild. "Rape" is the word they believe is more accurate. "He told me that when he takes his collar off he was allowed to do whatever he wanted to do." The devil is in the Catholic church and has got to be pulled up root and branch!
I loved Andrew's comments about the fact that words have meaning. He remembers George Carlin's funny counter-culture act when he talked about the seven words you can't say on t.v. His point was these seven words had no meaning. They weren't really dirty words. But Andrew points out that is not true. "If I can say the words oak tree and you can think of an oak tree, I can say the "f" word and make you think that sex is a degraded, violent, ugly thing that can be used as a way of cursing!
Andrew opens the mail bag, in which subscribers can email him with questions. Most of the questions seem to be about asking Andrew for advice on how to deal with issues in the writers' personal lives. The first letter was about a writer's sadness that her family are nonbelievers and she wants to be close to them. They are laughing at her for wanting to get married at a young age (22). Andrew tells her that we all carry sadness and that she should go ahead with her plans to marry and have children and that will be her family of closeness.
Another writer was not happy with his girlfriend's lack of intellectual pursuit. She is an amazing person and he doesn't want to hurt her. Andrew says he will hurt her if he marries her and then looks down on her!
Another: Why don't Jews accept Jesus as Savior? Andrew has a theory: Jews, without knowing it, are the part of the body of Christ that doubts. Doubt is one of the most underrated emotions in the life of faith. Doubt is what moves you forward. Without doubt, you become a self-referential blowhard who knows what he knows and doesn't want to listen to anybody else. With doubt, you ask questions that make your faith richer and richer and deepen your faith. Andrew believes Jews are part of the body of Christ even in their non-belief!
Last segment: The Obama administration's regulatory actions were just there to appease the unions who voted for him. Trump had a goal to delete two regulations for every one new regulation. His team is actually surpassing that goal. Our lives should not be run by unelected bureaucrats. We elect people! Congress is not doing its job because there is very little compromising.
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