Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Next: Bruce Ohr

Few people can write like George Neumayr. In this article at The American Spectator he vividly summarizes the DOJ, FBI and Obama White House efforts to stop Trump.
The FBI finally pink-slipped Peter Strzok on Monday. The Deep State’s policy is to keep its bad employees close and its worst employees even closer. The cocky Strzok had thought he might survive under that rule, but apparently even Mueller pal Christopher Wray has his limits. The FBI had made sure to keep Strzok employed until the Congressional hearings, thereby controlling his testimony. But now Strzok, widely regarded as one of the biggest dirtbags in the history of the FBI, has outlived his usefulness.

Bruce Ohr, on the hand, still hasn’t testified before Congress. Apparently, he will appear before it later this month. So he is still picking up a DOJ check. Ohr was the number four man in Obama’s Justice Department. His boss was the anti-Trump saboteur Sally Yates. During the 2016 campaign, Ohr and Yates, among many others, had turned the DOJ into a branch office of Hillary’s headquarters. Ohr’s wife, Nelly, worked for Hillary’s opposition research firm, Fusion GPS. The media has reported that Bruce Ohr, starting in January 2016, served month in and month out as a conduit for Hillary’s chief opposition researcher, the former British spy Christopher Steele. Steele might as well have had an office next to Ohr’s at DOJ.

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