Friday, August 03, 2018

Nature photos

The News Junkie at Maggie's Farm links to 60 stunning nature photos at For example, here is the first one, a baby elephant stuck in a manhole!

Source: Google
"What an adorably clumsy baby elephant! Despite their massive size, baby elephants take a long time to reach adulthood so they have years of youthful antics to look forward to. Elephants take their time to grow and mature emotionally and may be between 15 and 20 years old before they cross over into adulthood. That’s about as long as it takes a human baby to become a mature adult. Elephants also have the longest pregnancy of all mammals. Elephant mothers carry their young for more than a year a nd a half before giving birth."

I would title this next one "Motivation!"

Source: Wikimedia Commons
"It is not the goats that are special in Morocco. It is the trees. The Argania tree is a rare tree that produces such a tasty nut that the local goats just can’t get enough. They will even climb to the top branches in order to pick the delicious nuts. Goats are natural climbers and are extremely sure-footed. Their cousins, the mountain goats, often scale high cliffs on the narrowest of ledges, so climbing on a average size tree is not a difficult task for them. Goats are herd animals, so once one goat spots an Argania tree, all his friends follow him. Soon the tree is full of goats."

Source: Reddit
"We wish we knew if this incident had a happy ending. A bald eagle has a seagull in his clutches and is attempting to make off with his future meal, but the seagull’s friend is desperately trying to save him. Bald eagles may be the majestic symbol of the United States, but they are also effective predators. They hunt and kill small to medium sized animals, as well as other birds. So skilled are they at flight that they can attack and capture prey in the air. Seagulls, unfortunately, are an easy and tasty treat."

Go here to view all 60 photos plus some vintage photos of the past.

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