Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Watching the world ignore the Palestinian terror wave in Israel

Palestinian men throw stones at Israeli soldiers during riots at the Qalandia checkpoint near Ramallah Photo: EPA/OLIVER WEIKEN

Arsen Ostrovsky asks at The Telegraph,
Why is the world ignoring a wave of terror in Israel?

Over the past 48 hours in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and virtually all parts of Israel, we have had over 150 terror attacks, including stabbings, shootings, stones thrown and vehicular rammings.

Imagine for a moment if people were being mown down with cars, guns or knives by Islamic terrorists on the streets of central London, Paris, Washington or Moscow. How would leaders of those countries react?

...The tension across Israel, especially Jerusalem, is increasingly palpable. Somehow this wave of terror feels different to last summer’s rocket barrage from Hamas. At least then we had the Iron Dome and time (albeit only 15 seconds) to find shelter. But it is something much more intimate and personal when a terrorist singles you out to kill you in cold-blood.
Read more here.

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