My son Jon has been working very hard to develop his skills as a linebacker for the Santa Fe Junior Varsity football team this year. The team has struggled, to put it mildly, but nevertheless, Jon requested my presence at his final jayvee game yesterday in Taos, New Mexico. I told him to contact his older brother Erik, and that if Erik could get time off from his job, I would also request time off. Erik came through, and drove me down to Taos and back to Colorado after the game and a family dinner.
We left early yesterday, and, while waiting for the rest of the family to join us for lunch, even had time to do some fishing on the Red River in northern New Mexico. Alpha male Erik never goes anywhere without fishing gear. He baited my hook and loaned me a fishing pole.

Expert fisherman Erik then proceeded to catch three beautiful brook trout. He encouraged me to drop my line in a pool just beyond a big rock. This was the result a few minutes later!

I'll end this post with this: after the game Jon's coach told him that although his jayvee season had come to an end, he still needed Jon to extend his football season a few more days, so Jon could be promoted to the varsity team for Friday night's season-ending varsity game!
I am so proud of Jon and all the kids Colleen and I have raised, and are currently raising. Each one of them has so many admirable character traits.
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