Friday, October 16, 2015

New Jersey legislators not allowed to vote on allowing self serve gas stations to exist!

Doug Bandow writes at,
Most Americans take for granted the opportunity to drive into a gas station, fuel their auto, and get back on the road. But not in New Jersey and Oregon. These two states ban self-service stations.

Earlier this year legislation was introduced into both states to end the prohibition. In Oregon the state house voted for repeal in rural counties. In New Jersey legislative leaders announced that members would not be allowed to cast a vote.

Prohibitionists argue that self-serve stations are bad for the elderly, handicapped, and, yes, those of limited height. But then why does New Jersey allow “self-serve” restaurants (buffets), supermarkets (fill your own cart), retail stores (try on clothes yourself), doctors (go to his or her office), and much more? Shouldn’t these businesses also have to ensure that every special need is met?

Of course, there are those other 48 states in which people seem to get by without a ban on self-serve pumps. State Senate President Stephen Sweeney, one of the chief obstacles to getting New Jersey out of the gas pumping business, argued: “In New Jersey, we grew up with it. People have gotten used to it. We like it.”

Who wouldn’t prefer to have someone else pump gas for you, all other things being equal. However, do they really want to pay from 8 to 20 cents extra per gallon?

...Politicians and bureaucrats routinely come to us claiming that they want to help us. Far too often they do much more harm than good. That’s another great reason to shrink government.
Read more here.

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