Saturday, October 10, 2015


Leslie Bridgers reports for the,
Concerns about grinding prompt Gorham High to cancel school dances

...In a move that has disappointed students, Gorham High School (Portland, Maine) has done away with school dances other than the prom because of concerns over sexually suggestive dancing.

A homecoming bonfire will be held Friday instead of the traditional first dance of the school year.

...In a letter sent to parents last month, Record said the prevalence of grinding, in which the buttocks of one dancer are backed up against the pelvis of another, makes it impossible for chaperones to control.

...A year ago, Gorham High students walked out of the homecoming dance because a controversial dance style called grinding was prohibited.

Dances were canceled for the rest of the year and none was scheduled for this year, aside from the prom, where students tend to be better behaved because it’s a more formal event, said Principal Chris Record.

...A decision was made to increase lighting and the number of chaperones, but when those and other changes were implemented last year, two-thirds of 350 students at the homecoming dance left early, according to Record’s letter.

Record said the problem isn’t unique to his high school.

“It’s not a Gorham issue. It’s a Maine issue, it’s a national issue,” he said. “I’m not trying to lead the way, I’m just trying to make good decisions for the school community.”
Read more here.

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