Sunday, October 11, 2015

Are the young adults today intolerant?

April Kelly-Woessner writes about tolerance in Do you believe we
have a social responsibility to be intolerant towards those who would promote racism, sexism and homophobia?

...For example, in an op-ed in the Harvard Crimson last year, a student argues for “academic justice” to replace academic freedom.

...Yes, the kids are intolerant. That is, they are intolerant if we define tolerance as researchers have for the past six decades, as a measure of willingness to extend basic democratic rights to those one finds most objectionable.
Read more here.

This is a subject I often think about. For example, I regularly read (and excerpt here) a blog called Chateau Heartiste. It is racist to the core. It also is provocatively well written. Most of all, CH seems to have a real insight into the sexes. Since that is something I need, I read the blog, ignoring the stupid racism that regularly pops up.

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