Talk radio is still buzzing about Donald Trump's announcement that he wishes to be considered for the GOP presidential candidacy. Well, it's not his announcement, it's his comments about illegal immigration that are causing the buzz. Denver talk show host Dan Caplis says what is different about Trump is that he exudes strength. So many of the other candidates are nuanced and coached by political consultants and they come across as mushy compared to Trump. It is hard to know the other candidates.
Why isn't our border secure? Why did we the people allow this to happen?
Trump has drawn the ire of two Fox News commentators, George Will and Charles Krauthammer. Will called Trump a "bloviating ignoramus,"and Krauthammer said Trump deserves his high disapproval ratings. Trump fired back, calling Will the “dumbest (and most overrated) political commentator of all time,” and said Krauthammer was "one of the worst and most boring political pundits."
Candidates Rubio, Bush, and Perry have all criticized Trump for his comments about illegal immigrants. Trump responded by saying Perry needs new glasses (something I have long felt, and something which got an immediate chuckle from me.) As for Jeb Bush, Trump had this to say: “Today, Jeb Bush once again proves that he is out of touch with the American people,” Trump wrote Saturday. “Just like the simple question asked of Jeb on Iraq, where it took him five days and multiple answers to get it right, he doesn’t understand anything about the border or border security. In fact, Jeb believes illegal immigrants who break our laws when they cross our border come ‘out of love.'”
The conversation is clearly centering around issues articulated by Trump. Will more people now pay attention to the GOP debate because Trump is involved? Will Trump overwhelm the other candidates, or will one or more of them emerge as tough enough to take him on? If Trump does not get enough votes to win the GOP primary, will he bolt to a third party and give the election to the despicable Hillary Clinton as Ross Perot did to her husband Bill?
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