John Nolte at Breitbart gives five reasons why our media willingly goes along with being roped in by Hillary Clinton:
1. The Media’s Contempt for the First Amendment
America’s first and most prominent Amendment to our Constitution is constantly under assault by the very same media protected by the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Through regular assaults on religious freedom, which are about to hit warp speed in the wake of the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage ruling; through their relentless crusading against the free speech inherent in campaign contributions; through their coordinated smearing of peaceful Tea Partiers as racist terrorists; the Leftists who have swarmed and infested the mainstream media have for years already shown a toxic contempt for free speech and assembly.
This is because the media are first and foremost political activists — left-wing activists who understand that free speech is a potent weapon against the Left’s ultimate goal, which is an all-powerful central government.

2. Hillary Clinton Is a DemocratRead more here.
Had any Republican candidate brought out a rope to corral The New York Times’ Maggie Haberman (who is making some kind of statement dressed all in black at a 4th of July parade) or CNN’s Peter Hamby, or the rest of this sorry lot, the story would not be the “process story” it is today — it would be the biggest scandal in the world.
3. Media Proves Their Fealty to Hillary Clinton
Proving ones fealty, is another way of asking for access. Haberman is already Hillary’s chief hagiographer and defender at the New York Times. Agreeing to being publicly leashed might have been her way of applying for the job of White House Press Secretary.
4. Cowardice
The media breaks down thusly…
65% of journalists are left-wing activists abusing their position and power to further the cause of big government.
20% of the media are mercenary social climbers who believe in nothing more than their own power and careers. They go along with the 65% because they know this is the key to personal wealth and fame.
2% are actual reporters — good people trying to do a good job. These are the best of the bunch. Unfortunately, they are few and far between. This is the small group that would have told Hillary’s staffers what they could do with that rope.
13% are lily-livered, abject, low-life cowards who see how corrupted their profession is but who do not have the sand to do anything other than to go along to get along. To rebel against Hillary would have upset and risked their standing against the 85%. These cowards have seen what can happen even to a Bob Woodward who dares stray from the Narrative Plantation. Nothing to these cowards is worth the bad opinion of the 85%, including their own dignity.
5. Battered Media Syndrome
Throughout most of this Administration the media have time and again whined about their treatment at the hands of the Obama White House. On top of serial-lying, this White House has threatened, coerced, and spied on the media. Nevertheless, the media won’t leave Obama. Through all the cheating and abuse, the media continue to stand right by his side defending the indefensible, covering for him, lying for him, making up ridiculous excuses for his appalling behavior.
...The unanswered questions surrounding Hillary Clinton’s secret email server and the apparent comingling of her job as Secretary of State and her family’s personal enrichment through the Clinton Foundation, grow by the day. Hillary’s response has been to hide from the press.
Friday, after two full weeks of refusing to take questions, Ms. Clinton finally agreed to answer a few questions. She got 4 softballs, including “What’s your favorite ice cream.”
For all the reasons listed above, not a single one of these so-called journalists wanted to be the one to ask Hillary a difficult question and risk giving her a bad news cycle. To do so would mean earning Hillary’s bad opinion and the scorn of the rest of the media — it might hurt her chances of assuming power and the media’s own cause of a powerful central government.
This is the state of our media, not just on the 4th of July, but in the “Live Free or Die” state of New Hampshire.
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