Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Courage in Kenya

So now it is day four at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, Kenya. The Islamic terrorists continue to hold ten hostages. "Up to" three of the terrorists are alleged to be American teenagers.

Ann Althouse links to this story at Mail Online. A mom and her two children, a girl age 6 and a boy age four are among twenty other people hiding under a display cooler. A terrorist shoots the mom in her thigh. The four year old boy tells the terrorist "You are a very bad man!" The terrorist gave him a candy bar, which he is holding in this photo of him and his sister.

But, as Althouse points out, the other brave person in this story is the child's mother, who used strategy and guile to save herself and her children. The terrorist finds she is French, and asks her if she forgives them

‘Naturally, I was going to say whatever they wanted and they let us go’.

Update Kenya's President has declared that the seige is over. Three floors of the four story mall have collapsed. Five alleged terrorists have been killed, and eleven more are being held. They will probably be let go as part of a prisoner swap some day. Should have killed them all.

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