Saturday, January 19, 2013

School Bus Ray Nagin

Rush Limbaugh yesterday had this item about "School Bus Ray Nagin."

RUSH: Wow. Look at this. Breaking news here from the Associated Press. Ex-New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin indicted. Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin indicted on 21 federal corruption charges, including wire fraud, bribery, and money laundering. "The charges are the outgrowth of a City Hall corruption investigation that already has resulted in guilty pleas by two former city officials and two businessmen." Nowhere in the article is his party affiliation mentioned.

So for those of you who don't know, Ray Nagin is a Democrat. His nickname is "School Bus." It was Ray Nagin that left a bunch of yellow school buses unmanned and parked during Hurricane Katrina. They ended up being flooded. They weren't used to evacuate Democrats -- well, Republicans, either, from the city. So finally, 21 federal corruption charges. Not one mention in the AP story that Ray Nagin is a Democrat. It's the William Jefferson treatment, William Jefferson (Democrat-Louisiana). He wasn't mentioned as a Democrat, either. That's why we did every time we mentioned his name.

Read more here, including Eric Holder begging a federal court not to make him release Fast and Furious documents:

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