Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Funding the ground zero mosque with taxpayer dollars

Muslims are asking for public funds (applying for a $5 million dollar grant) to build the ground zero mosque. While New Yorkers might think that is a fine idea, I doubt if the rest of the country will be too overjoyed.
Via Moonbattery


Andy said...

Ya' know, Bob...this really fries my 'taters.

I am one of those "slow to wrath" types. But, these Manhattan ragheads have got some damn nerve!

And, I will not be one bit surprised if the ObozO administration lobbies for the funding as an act of "goodwill," and a sign to the whole world as to just how tolerant the US is toward "people of all faiths."

Unless you're a Christian...

We, my friend, are hamstrung with feckless morons steering the rudder.

At this point, I'd call it 60/40 that 5 million of our dollars land in their laps...and they'll just laugh...and laugh...


Terri Wagner said...

They had better keep their hands off my money for this.