So the Iraq Study Group wants us to involve Iran and Syria in talks to solve the violence in Iraq? Iran, which has been financing the terrorists, and Syria, which has been training the terrorists? This plan is beyond stupid! It is an insult to anyone who has ever been a parent. As a parent, you take action to stop the bad behavior, you set the ground rules regarding what minimum good behavior is expected, you enforce consequences, then you can have dialogue. You do not ask the one who is causing the instability to provide the solution. Iran and Syria have a vested interest in promoting instability, not stability!
The problem is not Israel. Remember the riots in France? Remember the Danish cartoons? Remember Somalia? The problem is the hateful Islamists who want to kill anyone who does not submit to their religion of hate! They must be stopped. We must eliminate their threat.
The people who wrote this report are fools! They have no respect for the United States military. Furthermore, I understand that James Baker's law firm represents Saudia Arabia, the country that finances the hate-spewing schools that brainwash children to grow up hating anyone who does not submit to the sword of the prophet Muhammed. Isn't that a conflict of interest?
The United States military is fighting a war. The rest of us are not "at war". "A way forward"? How about a way to win? Now comes this: only one member of the Iraq Study Group has ever ventured outside the "Green Zone" and actually talked to the troops who are fighting this war (a one day trip)!
Victor Davis Hansen compares Pearl Harbor and its aftermath to 9-11 and its aftermath. "In those days, peace and reconstruction followed rather than preceded victory. In tough-minded fashion, we offered ample aid to, and imposed democracy on, war-torn nations only after the enemy was utterly defeated and humiliated. Today, to avoid such carnage, we try to help and reform countries before our enemies have been vanquished - putting the cart of aid before the horse of victory." Read the whole thing.
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