The NBA recruits from the ghettos of America. That means fatherless boys. That means fierce loyalty to "brothers" who are growing up in similar conditions.
Carmelo Anthony is very close to J.R. Smith, who had just been slammed to the floor of the Madison Square Garden by a player who was acting on orders from his coach, Isaiah Thomas, former Detroit Piston "Bad Boy". Thomas was pissed that the Nuggets were still playing their best players when they had a twenty point lead near the end of the game, and warned Carmelo not to "drive to the hole." Carmelo punched the Knick player in the face. Commissioner David Stern has suspended Carmelo for the next fifteen games.
Coach George Karl of the Nuggets pointed out that the Nuggets have blown leads in the fourth quarter many times this year,and that they are finally learning how to win games on the road. He also called Thomas a jerk, an asshole, and a person who is full of shit, who needs to be held accountable. I agree with Coach Karl, and have increased my admiration for him immensely.
Nuggets Center Marcus Camby asked, "How is it that there is a brawl every night in the NHL, and fans keep coming?" David Stern is worried that he needs to clean up basketball or fans will not come. Baloney! Is it accidental that the NHL is almost all white, and the NBA is almost all black? It is okay for whites to have brawls, but not blacks? When whites are having brawls nightly, they are being manly, and attendance does not suffer. When blacks are having brawls once a year, they are being unacceptably violent! And Commissioner Stern is wrong to worry about attendance. Becasuse a star player stood up for a brother who had been slammed to the floor, more people than usual are watching basketball in December.
It is as integral to Carmelo Anthony to be fiercely loyal to a brother as it is for David Stern to put on a necktie. I'll take loyalty to friends over putting on neckties any day. Maybe Stern needs to limit future recruiting to all girls schools in white suburbs.
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