Kurt Schlichter believes Trump got suckered by Chuck Schumer.
Welcome to the "evil" part of "the lesser of two evils." Donald Trump was never the conservative ideologue many of us wanted in 2016, but he was the guy we needed in 2016 - the one thing standing between us and the very real risk of splitting the country apart that was a Hillary Clinton presidency. So, as The Donald jumps in the canoe with Chuck Schumer – who is laughing at him hysterically right now – we're experiencing the downside of playing a sub-par hand, and we're experiencing it good and hard.Read more here.
The Never Trumpers, who by and large agree with the Smarmy Dope and the Elderly Establishment Ninja Turtle about rewarding the world’s oldest kids for breaking the law, are ecstatic because the most important thing for them is stamping out the GOP insurgency that brought Trump to power and imperils their sinecures inside Conservative, Inc. They are babbling about "betrayal" as if we’re surprised that Trump would do what he essentially hinted he would do all along – sadly, Trump always accepted the sob story policy premise underlying DACA.
So, though the haters like to personalize it, it's not so much that Trump is changing his position, because he’s always telegraphed that this was his position, but that he's being so stupid as to let Chuck Schumer make a fool out of him. He and Nancy Pelosi have dinner with him, then walk out and basically disrespected him in public in a way sure to turn his base against him. It was actually a brilliant move on the Dems’ part, in a volcano-lair supervillain kind of way.
And for some reason, Trump is just taking it. Maybe he really thinks Americans are dying for liberalism disguised as a bipartisan compromise. Until now, he has had a pretty good political sense. He beat Felonia von Pantsuit, despite all the overwhelming odds stacked against her in the form of opposition from the media, women, other progressives, and Russians, among the dozens of other culprits responsible for her defeat. But this Amnesty, Jr., move? It’s just stupid.
Is Trump really so wimpy as to let Chuckie channel Wimpy and actually buy into the Democrat con man’s "Give me amnesty now and I will gladly pay you back, with all sorts of unspecified border security stuff, Tuesday" scam? It kind of looks like he is – how can Trump not see that Tuesday will never, ever come? To carry the cartoon metaphor forward, Charlie Brown’s tried to kick that football before, and it always gets pulled away, and now he’s lying over there in traction with multiple popped discs. Lesson One for every Republican, which every Republican seems incapable of learning, is to not be Charlie Brown.
There’s a deal to be made here, and you hold all the cards, Mr. President. Are you going to make it, or are you going to roll over? Because what we saw isn't the art of the deal. This is the art of being suckered.
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