J.J. Sefton reports at Ace of Spades,
Good morning kids. With the situation arising out of Charlottesville now front and center (and probably remaining there since the Russia collusion hoax has all but evaporated as a political weapon), we are seemingly now on an inexorable path towards an internal crisis that threatens to tear this nation apart. We did not want this. We have tried to be reasonable, in all instances in the face of the irrational and the unreasonable, to come to some sort of accommodation or understanding. That as is now painfully obvious has come to naught. We are not seen as equals, but as an evil entity that must be silenced or eliminated.Read more here.
The people and movement that seek this have their political home in the Democrat Party. Over the past eight years, and indeed since the New Deal, their policies have bankrupted the nation financially and culturally. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, they have nothing to take from you but blood, sweat, tears and toil. Having been exposed as failures, criminals, liars and cheats, and bereft of any real policies and ideas, all they have left is to lash out. And violently. I give you this from our lead story::
After the political failure of Obama, the collapse of Hillary, the cannibalism visited on Bernie and his followers, it's apparent that the American left is a spent force, and this kind of political kabuki is all that remains for them.
Clearly, the left has failed in the U.S., as they have everywhere else. Their plans have proved empty, their carefully structured systems have ossified to the point of paralysis, their pleas and promises are mere repetitions of rhetoric that was old in the 1930s. They have nothing to offer except violence, hatred, and eventual extinction. But they can still do a lot of damage as they go down the chute, keeping in mind that their descent may involve a process lasting decades.
They seem to be aware of this, and eager to carry out as much havoc as is humanly possible. This is very likely the plan for November 4th.
Unless something changes, we can look forward, at the very least, to mobs in the streets, assaults by black-clad masked goons, shops destroyed, cars overturned and set ablaze, everything that we've seen recently in Berkeley, Ferguson, and Baltimore. Supported as it is by the media, academic, and entertainment spheres, and with the people supposedly "in power" showing no awareness that any of the sort is happening (can anyone picture Ryan or McConnell actually responding to this?), it will continue until an end is put to it - very likely by a jaw-dropping episode of violence.
As I have said many times, this is not about extremists on "both sides" because the extremists historically and provably have been on one side. There is no Right-Left paradigm. There are only those who believe in liberty and America as founded and those who do not and actively seek our subjugation or destruction. The Nazis, KKK, white supremacists and others are on that side, along with the Marxist, socialists, Maoists and Islamists. What is also sickening to me, yet completely unsurprising, is the rush of those politicians and media figures allegedly on our side to jump on the bandwagon and use this completely manufactured crisis as a political weapon with which to attack PDT. To tie the neo-Nazis to President Trump, and by extension to us is a blood-libeling that must not be allowed to stand.
This has all been brewing for years, and more likely decades since at least the 1960s. Players and movements behind the scenes have wormed their way into legitimate institutions, academia, the media and government and poisoned the minds of the uneducated and uninformed. One of the key players in all of this shit-stirring is George Soros. While there are many who share his aims and have the resources to fund the anarchy, Soros' ill-gotten gains have been fueling the lion's share of the violence at least as far back as Occupy Wall Street and beyond. It is way past time that he and all of his front group NGOs be prosecuted and shut down. He is fomenting violent insurrection here at home and abroad. He should be prosecuted, all of his assets seized and then either imprisoned for the rest of his life or stripped of his citizenship and deported back to Hungary. The sooner we do this, the sooner we can at least restore order in our streets and prevent what happened in Charlottesville, and Ferguson, Baltimore, Oakland and other places from getting out of control.
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