Monday, February 06, 2017

"If you want federal money, follow federal law."

Paul Bedard reports at the Washington Examiner,
The House chairman who oversees Justice Department spending is telling so-called "sanctuary cities" that funding for police, jails and housing will end under President Trump's new executive orders tightening immigration control.

"It's real easy, their money disappears. There's no fight, their money is gone," said Texas Rep. John Culberson, chairman of the appropriations subcommittee that funds Justice.

Culberson last year forced the Obama administration to warn several sanctuary cities and jurisdictions about the funding cut off. In an interview for Sunday's Full Measure With Sharyl Attkisson, he said that Trump's new order covers all 300 of the sanctuaries.

"They are in violation of federal law because federal law requires state and local jurisdictions can't interfere in any way with sharing information about criminal illegal aliens in their custody; in any way means you must cooperate 100 percent of the time — 99 out of 100 of sharing information is not enough," he told the news magazine show.

This is very simple. If you want federal money, follow federal law."

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