Friday, November 18, 2016

Shocking: The New York Times doesn't like Trump's picks!

Three big appointments made today by president-elect Trump. Jeff Sessions to be the Attorney General, Michael Flynn to be National Security Adviser, and Mike Pompeo to lead the Central Intelligence Agency. Ann Althouse notes that the New York Times said about Flynn that Trump was
potentially putting a retired intelligence officer who believes Islamist militancy poses an existential threat in one of the most powerful roles in shaping military and foreign policy...
That is the usual snark from the New York Times, but isn't that what we need in a person having a powerful role in shaping policy, someone who believes Islamist militancy poses an existential threat?

, who has served for three terms in Congress and is a member of the House Intelligence Committee, gained prominence for his role in the congressional investigation into the 2012 attack on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya. He was a sharp critic of Hillary Clinton on the committee....
Oh no, Trump is appointing someone to head the CIA who didn't like the way Hillary Clinton mishandled Benghazi!

Ann writes,
Lots of news coming from the transition team today — Flynn, Pompeo, Sessions. I guess that the MSM will do an abrupt shift from its theme of the last few days — that the transition is in disarray and falling way behind. The new theme — let me guess — is: all the President's men are terrible.

The Times saved its sharpest criticisms for Senator Sessions, implying that he is a racist. You thought we were going to be done with allegations that a person is racist? No, just the opposite. Get ready for racism allegations to be front and center on the Sessions nomination.
Read more here and here.

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