Monday, September 19, 2016

Ensnaring her subordinates and friends in a web of deceit.

Austin Bay writes at Observer that the overriding issue in this campaign is honesty.
...This month’s fascinating pro-honesty sequence of events began on September 7, when The Washington Post and New York Times panicked as the sky fell on their world. While moderating an NBC-sponsored forum focusing on defense issues, Matt Lauer made the mistake of asking Hillary about her mishandling of classified national security information (the Media Privilege term is “email scandal”) and her record for obsessive lying (what Democratic operatives with by-lines call “the trust issue”).

Read the transcript. Lauer asked her if her mishandling of classified information wasn’t more than a mistake, but a display of very bad judgment—judgment so awful as to disqualify her from serving as commander-in-chief.

Totally fair question, and one the press should have asked in March 2015 when we learned she was using her own private communication system that was beyond the reach of the Freedom of Information Act.

Washington Post and New York Times editorials lynched Lauer. Suddenly The Today Show co-anchor was yesterday. For seeking to elicit truth from the powerful—and in Hillary’s case, a presidential candidate who avoided press conferences for almost ten months—Matt was treated as a treasonous deplorable, a pariah on par with Rush Limbaugh.

Lauer violated Media Privilege protocol. According to the rules of Media Privilege, presidential debate moderators are supposed to Go Full George “War On Women” Stephanopoulos and Complicity Yours Candy Crowley, making certain the Democrat shines and the Republican gets hammered.

...Matt Lauer’s September 7 questions cut to the real core of the 2016 election. The decisive element in every judgment Hillary makes is how it affects her, personally and politically—not how it might help or harm America. Like William Safire said in 1996, Hillary is a congenital liar. She cannot be trusted with the power of the presidency. To say otherwise is to Wage War On Honesty.
Read much more here.

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