Monday, April 04, 2016

Should you try to find yourself?

Stuart Schneiderman says no.
...Instead of struggling to be authentic, Confucius proposed another approach: “as if” rituals, that is, rituals meant to break us out of our own reality for a moment. These rituals are the very opposite of authenticity — and that’s what makes them work. We break from who we are when we note the unproductive patterns we’ve fallen into and actively work to shift them — “as if” we were different people in that moment.

...Once your talent is identified the question is: how well you develop it, how hard you work at it, how focused you are in learning it? What matters in choosing a career path is discovering where your talent lies. As Peter Drucker once said, it is better to work to excel at something you are good at than to work to become good at something you have little talent for.

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