FURY AS COLORADO HAS NO PRIMARY OR CAUCUS; CRUZ CELEBRATES VOTERLESS VICTORY.For years many of us have been lamenting the obvious leftward bias of the mainstream media. We were happy to see the rise of news media sources on the right, such as Breitbart and Drudge. Now, however we see those two sites as being even more biased in a different direction! Face it: we all have our preferences. The best sites will tell you up front what those preferences are.
All of the candidates had the opportunity to educate themselves on the rules of each state. One candidate, Ted Cruz, did that. In Colorado it all started on March 1 with precinct caucuses. In the suburban community of Parker, where I live, those caucuses were held at a high school. It is a sprawling campus, with parking lots surrounding the school on all sides. Many thousands of cars were already there when I arrived. Democrats were using the classrooms on the lower level, and Republicans used classrooms on the main floor.
25 people from my neighborhood were in my classroom. We were allotted four delegates and four alternates who we would pick to represent us at the county assembly on March 19. Seven people came up to the front, wrote their names on the blackboard, told us a little about themselves, and who was their preferred candidate. From those seven, we chose four delegates to the county assembly, plus three alternates. Before the caucus was concluded, one of the people who was elected as a delegate to the county assembly asked for a show of hands from each of us to indicate who we were supporting. He wanted this because he knew there was a possibility of some candidates dropping out before the county assembly. 13 of us raised our hands for Cruz, 8 for Rubio, and 4 for Trump.
At the county assembly the delegates selected individuals to attend Congressional district conventions, which were held on April 2, 7, and 8th. At those conventions, delegates were selected to attend the state convention. Cruz won all of the delegates at each of the Congressional conventions. The state convention was held last Saturday, April 9. Only one candidate attended that convention, Ted Cruz. His campaign clearly showed who their delegates were, and they were elected to go to Cleveland in July as Cruz delegates at least on the first ballot.
Today Donald Trump has come out whining that the process was crooked. Sour grapes do not taste good, folks. This is the man who assured us he was going to surround himself with the "best people." He has not done that here in Colorado. Cruz did. Cruz won fair and square. Trump says the people of Colorado did not have a chance to vote. That is a lie. Complicated, yes it was complicated. We need leaders who can understand complexities.
Now Trump has hired a guy named Paul Manafort, who says Cruz is winning by using Gestapo tactics, "scorched earth" tactics. That is a monstrous lie. Trump adds that the delegates are all being bribed. Another monstrous lie.
Can we end the cult of victimhood now once and for all?
Kristina Cook sent me this Facebook message, and I thank her for correcting me:
Hi, Robert! Thanks for writing that up. I love the line, "We need leaders who can understand complexities." BEAUTIFUL!!!
One correction to your blog post: "At the county assembly the delegates selected individuals to attend Congressional district conventions, which were held on April 2, 7, and 8th. At those conventions, delegates were selected to attend the state convention."
The delegates chosen at the Congressional District level go to national as representatives of their CD - not to state.
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