Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Why don't we just manufacture robots, instead of students? They last longer, and they always do what they are told!

There has been another rollout of another federal program, Common Core. Some people are saying that it is an even greater bust than Obamacare.

Ethan Young, a senior at Farragut High School in Knox County, Tenn., made an impassioned argument for dropping the new national education guidelines, which he called “a glowing conflict of interest … that illustrate a mistrust of teachers.”

“Somewhere our Founding Fathers are turning in their graves,” he said.

"In reality Common Core was contrived by an insular group of educational testing executives, with only two academic content specialists."

"The President essentially bribed states into implementation, offering 4.35 billion taxpayer dollars."

I have been fortunate to have had incredible educators who opened my eyes to the joy of learning. These standards mistrust teachers. Teaching is about interaction between teachers and students. There is no control in this model for students' participation or interest!

Standards based education is all about bureaucratic convenience.

Why don't we just manufacture robots, instead of students? They last longer, and they always do what they're told! (I've got news for you, son, that IS the plan!)

Creativity, appreciation, inquisitiveness: these are impossible to scale! They are the purpose of education!

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