Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Pope may be Catholic!

Manhattan Infidel writes that the media has discovered that Pope Francis is a Catholic.
Sources say the news of the Pope’s Catholicism first broke when a reporter for CNN went to interview Francis and witnessed him saying Mass.

There was this procession and it looked like they were all walking behind someone carrying two tire irons. I asked what it was and someone said “Pope Francis is walking behind a cross.” Cross? I didn’t even know he was angry. Then he started to elevate something and I asked what he was doing. I was told he was elevating the host. I thought that meant he was promoting Jimmy Falon. But they told me it was the body and blood of Christ. It was then that I first realized that Pope Francis was a Catholic. I felt so disgusted. I had to run out and vomit in the street.

Time Magazine's managing editor was furious:
Sources say the news of the Pope’s Catholicism first broke when a reporter for CNN went to interview Francis and witnessed him saying Mass.

There was this procession and it looked like they were all walking behind someone carrying two tire irons. I asked what it was and someone said “Pope Francis is walking behind a cross.” Cross? I didn’t even know he was angry. Then he started to elevate something and I asked what he was doing. I was told he was elevating the host. I thought that meant he was promoting Jimmy Falon. But they told me it was the body and blood of Christ. It was then that I first realized that Pope Francis was a Catholic. I felt so disgusted. I had to run out and vomit in the street.

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