Saturday, September 21, 2013

If you are against GMO's, you are pro starvation

Did you know that

Around 70 percent of processed foods in the U.S. contain genetically modified ingredients.
that is according to the September 6 issue of scientific American, which endorses GMO's.

Chris Byrne writes,

Norman Borlaug fed India, through the scientific development of high yield, rain tolerant, dwarf wheat. He then fed south America.... Frankly, if scientific literacy were higher on this planet, there is no way he would not be universally recognized as one of the greatest heroes in the history of humanity. He certainly saved more lives than anyone else... possibly more than all other "heroes" combined.

Really, there is no disputing, if you're against GMO's you are objectively pro starvation of the poor.

Now... thinking that ADM and Monsanto are evil is another story... they very definitely are.

Without genetically modified seed, there would be NO commercially grown wheat in the industrialized world. Damp blight and root rust would have killed it all.

Or for that matter Bananas. None. Also killed by fungi.

Again... politically, financially, commercially... yeah there are major issues around GMOs.

But the whole "frankenfood" thing? Total anti-scientific bunk. Culturally enforced, politicophilosophical ignorance... Nothing more than pure Lysenkoism.

If you are against GMOs, you are pro starvation. You are supporting genocide. Plain and simple.

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