Sunday, August 25, 2013

Would balancing the budget be a disaster for our economy?

Henry Meers cautions:

House Republicans have to learn and proclaim the basics of money and taxes because balancing the budget could be a disaster for the economy as even more money is pulled out of the productive economy to pay for their past sins. The best example of how to get out of debt remains what England did after Waterloo and the massive debt of the Napoleonic War. Parliament dumped the income tax immediately, returned to sound money in 1821 and went to free trade later. The economy exploded and led to a century of prosperity like none seen before. They didn’t pay off their wartime debts, a huge sum for the time, they froze it and paid interest. As time went by, that once inconceivable mountain of debt shrank to insignificance in the shadow of the world’s most powerful economy.

Our Republican leadership should be campaigning on a large tax cut -- significantly lower income-tax rates on people and their employers-- to restore the economy’s growth. Real growth solves so many problems that it is hard to believe the party of business on Main Street USA could miss it. The Republican majority in the House of Representatives could massively reduce spending overnight by turning welfare programs back to the states and the private sector where they used to be. This is never as easy as cutting military spending, but that has already taken too much of the needed spending reduction.

Maybe sound economics and faith in American enterprise can’t make it through the U.S. Senate and might be vetoed by President Obama; but the Grand Old Party, which the voters elected to guard the nation’s purse in 2010, owes its longsuffering supporters the effort to put that choice to the senate and president.

Thanks to Jonathan at Chicago Boyz for finding the Meers article

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