Sunday, August 11, 2013

The power of powerless communication

Do you believe in the power of powerless communication? Susan Cain explains,

It boils down to this insight: When people think you’re trying to influence them, they put their guard up. But when they feel you’re trying to help them, or to muse your way to the right answer, or to be honest about your own imperfections, they open up to you. They hear what you have to say.

Go here to see the flesh she puts on these seven tips.

1. Be humble but humorous.

2. Ask for help or advice.

3. Pair your openness with competence.

4. When you communicate with someone, ask yourself three questions: What do you have to learn from them? How can you help them or otherwise express warmth? And can you find ways of letting your true personality show?

5. Frame your opinions as suggestions.

6. Be authentic.

7. Introverts and women, rejoice!

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