Does anyone care about our declining reproduction? I am not talking about pandas, for whom everyone is concerned. Matt Walsh is talking about humans:
Some claim that our declining reproduction can be blamed on the troubled economy, but I think it has more to do with our troubled priorities. We’re told from a young age that unborn children are disposable, babies are a hassle, and “too much” human life is a hazard to our fragile ecosystem. There are “too many” people. Think about that statement. I’ve been hearing it for as long as I can remember. The secret to happiness, we’re told, is self-love, and we can express that self love by amassing material wealth. Babies can be an obstacle to our pursuit of physical luxuries, and they will interfere with our ability to focus on loving our own selves. I think these ideas — these poisonous, destructive ideas — are finally starting to sink in, which is why you hear them repeated everywhere from schools, to children’s TV shows, to churches.
Matt writes about a recent Time Magazine cover story:
“When having it all means not having children.” The article goes on to discuss the choices of an increasing number of married couples to shirk parenthood in favor of more fun and more freedom. It paints these people as martyrs, describing the persecution they face from backwards fundamentalists who still make the horrible mistake of “equating womanhood with motherhood.” It’s not really clear what progressives think we SHOULD associate with womanhood, or even how we should define it. According to them, gender is subjective and negotiable, having little to do with one’s reproductive organs or physiological attributes. So you can’t assume a woman to have XX chromosomes and a vagina, and you certainly can’t assume her to be a wife and a mother, and you can’t tie her to any preconceived notions of femininity and grace. Womanhood, in our modern utopia, is an outdated term that means nothing and has no significance. Hooray! Everything is meaningless and nothing matters! Liberation!
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