Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Clouding adulthood

Is it wise to send your kid to college? Gagdad Bob is raising that question at One Cosmos:

There are obviously forms of education that are healthy, but it is just as likely that one will be harmed by college; at the very least, "for some, college is the beginning of problems with drugs, or drinking, or sex that will cloud their adulthood for years, or even a lifetime.

He advocates for the Socratic method of learning:

the only one that doesn't end up contracting and damaging the soul is the "Socratic," which opens the youth to a sense of wonder, and induces him "to 'turn around,' away from his self-seeking passions, toward the quest for truth and love of the good."

Nothing can be further from this pattern than the contemporary "multiversity" that indoctrinates students into the tyranny of relativism and the formal stupidity of multiculturalism.

Bob is plowing though some of the writings of Nicolás Gómez Dávila, and sharing aphorisms with his blog readers at One Cosmos.

Of course, drugs, drinking and sex are also available to cloud adulthoods of people who do not go to college.

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