Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Opening gates and doors

Ann Voskamp and her daughter Hope recently spent three days in Uganda with Katie Davis (Katie is in the middle in the photo above)and Katie's 13 children. Katie was 18 when she flew to Uganda, and she is now 24. Katie

“ had loved and admired and worshiped Jesus without doing what He said … I wanted to actually do what Jesus said to do.”

Katie started Amazima Ministries

a child sponsorship program, matching orphaned and vulnerable children who are unable to afford schooling with sponsors anywhere in the world. An annual gift of $300 enables one child to go to school and provides the necessary school supplies, 3 hot meals each day, spiritual discipleship, and medical care. Originally intending to have only 40 children in the sponsorship program, Katie had 150 signed up by January 2008. Today the program sponsors over 600 children. Katie also became a mother of three orphaned girls in January of 2008. She would adopt ten (10) more daughters in the coming few years.

Ann Voskamp shares her wisdom and more photos:

Living radical isn’t about where you live — it’s about how you love.

The value of loving is in the value of being like Christ.

Pundits can banter about one southern cook and the nature of racism in this continent, about the nature of marriage and truth and grace and orientation and the Church, and our screens can explode with opinions and rebuttals and politics.

But our answers to all the raging questions of the day won’t be found in what we write: it will be found in how we open our doors.

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