Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pursuing money AND political influence and power

David Foster writes at Chicago Boyz that

By tightly coupling the pursuit of money to the pursuit of political influence and power, Obama/Pelosi/Reid are doing great harm to the spirit of America as well as to its economy.

Much of the federal government’s thinking, as well as day-to-day operations, is now outsourced to various consulting firms and “policy” nonprofits. Executives of these firms, including the “nonprofit” ones, often make far more money than even the highest-paid direct government employees. And higher government spending means more contracts and more opportunities for promotions and raises.

The danger is that we are entering an era in which the best way to gain wealth–indeed, the only reliable way to gain wealth–is to use the power of government to take it from others and redistribute it in your direction.

Read the whole thing here:

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