Friday, April 06, 2012

Making a deal with the Devil

"It was his own dark secret, his deal with the Devil himself. Peeps are the souls of the damned, incased in the sweet marsh of mallows. It was either that or spend eternity in Tulsa as a Mormon Scientologist. What would you do?"

"However, in order to show your children the futility and frustration of life, you shall hide these wonderful treats all about and force them to collect these and other senseless and useless trinkets in embarrassingly gay colored baskets. You shall force them to parade around in scratchy and uncomfortable clothes while adults take embarrassing pictures of them that they use to remind them of the pain of this day in future days, so as to prolong the agony and punishment of this most frustrating of days.”

"The suffering and pain associated with the festival of Easter must be stopped, what with the deliberate hiding of things from children, and the high levels of frustration they endure." 

Please read more of this brilliant satire from my friend Cliff Stewart:

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