Saturday, October 17, 2020

"We are no longer afraid!" "We do not need to let fear take our freedom!" "The media has lied and people have died!"

America's Frontline Doctors held another press conference in front of the Supreme Court today. They are a very inspirational group of doctors!
"Even the best masks cannot protect you from this small pacontrary to reality.rticle virus. The small 1.2 micron viruses sneak out through the mask, around the mask, over and under the mask. They are like golf balls going through a tennis net." "Early treatment is the key, and there is an inexpensive alternative!"
"Americans have been infected by a delusional psychosis. A delusion is a fixed false belief, contrary to reality." The way out of this is to reject the masks, reject the social distancing, the isolation, the lies. Most importantly, reject fear as virtuous! Truth and courage are our allies in this battle, not fear! Let's embrace early treatment, exercise, sunlight, hydroxychloroquine, vitamin D, Zinc. We can retake our country, retake our civil liberties, retake our health!
America's Frontline Doctors can be found online here. The video I am quoting is here.

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