Monday, October 12, 2020

A permanent leftist bureaucracy and a corrupt judiciary

JJ Sefton has a few words to say about Democrats and the courts today in his Morning Report.
This is why the notion of "balance" on the court gets me insane in the brain. The court, in theory, is there to make sure that laws follow the spirit, letter and intent of the Constitution to the letter. Obviously, virtually every law or political initiative that the Democrat-Left has ever tried to pass or wants to pass would never make it out of Congress nor could they ever run and win elections on it. This is why the one-two punch of a permanent leftist bureaucracy issuing regulations that have the force of law and a corrupt judiciary that rubber stamps them when they are challenged in court is the only way the Left has really ever been able to push their agenda, and thwart both the Constitution and the will of the people.
Read more here.

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