Monday, June 08, 2020

This morning's notable tweets

Jeff Goldstein tweeted,
Black Lives Matter is both a slogan & an organized political movement actively funded by the hard left. The organized movement has a list of demands.

It’s time for whatever real journalists we have left to ask those mouthing the slogan if they agree with the demands of movement

Noah Pollak tweeted,
Colin Powell public presidential endorsements:
2008: Obama
2012: Obama
2016: Clinton
2020: Biden
But please, journos, carry on with your breaking news coverage of this former Republican official who is courageously breaking ranks with his Party.

Mara Liasson of NPR tweeted that the Allies of WWII were the "Biggest Antifa rally in history."
To which Tammy Bruce replied,
Yes, because crushing Hitler is exactly like burning down a mom & pop store in NY & throwing liquid cement into the faces of fellow Americans. For all those heroes who suffered the D-DAY invasion, how dare you compare them to terrorists. What the hell is wrong w you

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