Monday, June 08, 2020

Say "no" to craven submission!

Kurt Schlichter writes in part in Town Hall,
This is a critical moment, and how we react now will determine if our future is citizenship or serfdom. The Democrats’ kinetic operation that was the rioting has failed, the violent thuggery egged-on and enabled by half-wit MSNBCNN talk-holes, feckless lefty pols, and the blue check jerk-stapo ended up appalling the voters, and not just Republicans. The grave strategic error of sending the masked marauders of Marxism marching into limo lib enclaves like Beverly Hills convinced a lot of people who hate Trump that maybe law and order isn’t such a bad thing after all. Defund the police? Yeah, that’s a tough sell outside a sociology department. Mansions and BMWs burn just like churches and police cars do.

...Look at what’s happening. You had a U.S. senator articulating a position that polls say 58 percent of Americans agree with, that riots should be suppressed with military force if necessary – and the New York Times’s nursery erupted with silly infants babbling that this idea makes them “unsafe.” And worse, the editorial board – which at least used to pretend to harken to the idea of free expression – folded like one of Eric Swalwell’s cheap, stinky suits.

Instead of standing up to these tiresome teenyboppers, the NYT pulled a journalistic Sir Robin and bravely ran away. Pathetic. Now it’s established that the paper of record needs to run whatever it wishes to print past a coterie of militant pipsqueaks who will scan it for wholeness.

...It’s time to adopt some basic rules for dealing with these sissy savages.

...1. Never apologize. You have nothing to be ashamed of and even if you did, apologizing to these creeps only chums the water for the feeding frenzy. Drew Brees apologized and he looks craven, while the giddy horde is walking around with his head on a stick. If he had said, “Hey, a lot of people were upset about what I think about kneeling. Well, that’s what I think and you are free to say what you think, but no, I’m not apologizing,” they would have moved to a softer target.

2. Reject their demands. Tell them “no.” They will be baffled, since their mommies and daddies – most likely acting through the immigrant nanny who actually raised them – probably never told them “no.” LEGO is allegedly taking sets featuring cops and the White House off the market at the demand of these lunatics. It could have said, “Some people feel they can tell us what toys we can sell and what toys your kids can buy. We say that you get to make that decision. No, we’re going to keep doing what we please.” LEGO blocks would have become the most popular toy in America instead of a symbol of craven submission.

3. Speak truths they want suppressed. Say what they have agreed cannot be said.

...4. Laugh at them. No, scary Tom Cotton is not putting you SJWs in the most perilous of perils by suggesting we use the Army against domestic rioters. Words are not making you unsafe. You clowns. You babies. You’re a joke.

5. Buy guns and ammunition. No, we will not surrender. An armed citizenry deters tyranny, and the idea of you packing heat make these simps wet themselves.

More than ever today, unleash the power of “No.”
Read more here.

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