Friday, January 17, 2020

The Woke Left vs. the Best-Intentions Left

In December, Kyle Smith wrote a scathing article about "Mayor Pete."
“They went into this with the best intentions.” Is there a better eight-word summary of liberalism? From the New Deal to the Great Society to Obamacare: Intentions are what matter. The best intentions are what make you “the ones we have been waiting for,” as Obama used to refer to himself and his flock of true believers. Best intentions make you Saint Pete. Picture a giant consulting firm in which you were graded not on outcomes but on sincerity. The Woke Left draws much media attention these days, but don’t underestimate how much the Best-Intentions Left matters to today’s Democratic party.

As with Obama, when Buttigieg issues meaningless empathy-signaling from the heights of Mt. Platitude, a certain kind of Democrat swoons.
Read more here.

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