Thursday, January 09, 2020

"...the best course for the United States and Russia is to recognize that their common interest in peace in the Mediterranean requires parallel measures to restrain Erdoğan."

Angelo Codevilla writes in part in American Greatness,
increasingly ever since the rise of Erdoğan and his Islamist party, Turkey has acted as an enemy of America and has been a loose cannon in the region. Only Erdoğan’s incompetence has prevented him from doing more serious harm to his own country as well as to others. His regime is truly irredeemable.

...Erdoğan’s Islamism is of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood variety. This has led him into proxy wars with Saudi Arabia and Jordan, among others, to a blood feud with Egypt, and to outright war against Syria’s Alawite regime. That included the support that enabled ISIS to become a major problem for much of the world.

Turkey’s proxies have fought with and against Shia Iran. Defying the clearest imperative of Turkish geopolitics, Erdoğan has aligned his country with Russia. He makes war on a Kurdish minority that is on a demographic path to power. Having been financed by Qatar, he is running out of money. Meanwhile, he has committed acts of war against Israel and done all in his power to harm America and its interests.

...the best course for the United States and Russia is to recognize that their common interest in peace in the Mediterranean requires parallel measures to restrain Erdoğan.
Read more here.

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