Saturday, July 06, 2019

Trump to Dems: "I embrace your goals, but unlike you, I have a way to get there!"

Do you believe there are UFOs? No evidence of their existence.

If California and Germany would have invested in nuclear energy, instead of renewables, they would already be generating 100% of their electricity from carbon-free energy sources! Also, we could get rid of 2/3 of human-caused CO2 by planting trees in areas that have been deforested.

Airports? Trump blamed the teleprompter. The rain affected the teleprompter. He tells you how it felt to be standing in front of millions of people. He put us in the scene. "I knew the speech so well, that I was doing it without the consistent help of the teleprompter. Everything Trump does, he finds a way to find some humor.

The Taliban is heading off to have peace talks. Trump has been giving more control to the generals in the field. Success?

Joe Biden was being interviewed by Chris Cuomo. Biden said Russian interference wouldn't have happened on his and Barack's watch. Britt Hume retweeted, "the poor guy can't help himself." Amused sympathy. Criticism of Trump: bully! Biden: "the poor guy can't help himself!"

The Democrats argued that bad things would happen under Trump. Didn't happen! So how have the Dems responded? They have turned to words: "dignity." Health care is a "human right." A "bully." Republicans seem to be more interested in systems, whereas the Dems go to the end state without knowing the process or system of how to get there. Dems have demonized MAGA hats and slogans to the point where the craziest among them feel free to attack and destroy. We embrace all of those goals, but we are interested in building the systems to get there. I embrace your goals, but unlike you, I have a way to get there!

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