Wednesday, July 17, 2019

"Hacking Seven Victims to Death With Just As American as You Or Me Machetes"

In the Daily Caller, Chuck Ross brings us news of 22 MS-13 gang members who are charged with seven murders in the Los Angeles area. One man was dismembered by a machete.
The indictment, which was unsealed Monday, focused on members of a Los Angeles-area subset of MS-13 known as the Fulton clique. Prosecutors called the San Fernando Valley-based gang a “particularly violent subset” of MS-13 that “has recently seen an influx of young immigrants from Central America.”

Here are some excerpts from Ace's coverage of the story.
22 Members of Real American Organization MS-13 Arrested for Hacking Seven Victims to Death With Just As American as You Or Me Machetes
—Ace of Spades
So American. I can't believe the racism here in arresting them for just living life to the full in America, which is the world's Las Vegas -- whatever happens in America, stays in America.

Some people literally had their hearts hacked out with machetes.

Most of the killers are -- get this -- illegal immigrants.

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