Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Screwing the American worker

In his Morning Rant at the Ace of Spades blog, JJ Sefton writes,
America has willingly been taking it in the shorts, in economic and even foreign policy, for decades. Rush Limbaugh attributes this as part of the post-World War 2 attitude among America's self-appointed elite (whose epicenter was and remains in the State Department) who pray at the altar of globalism that it is dangerous to allow America to be the lone superpower and that our dominance in every sphere - including trade - is grossly unfair. Look at the words and deeds of the past four US administrations, especially the Obama 8-Year Reign of Error. Each of those Presidents did something to either actively or passively screw the American worker and American enterprise. Some worse than others.

He refers us
to the outstanding piece from Peter Skurkis at American Thinker.

...What benefits the American worker -- fair trade policy and tight immigration control -- will initially hurt Big Biz and Wall Street. And the hurt will continue until the financial economy is scaled back to its proper size and is no longer allowed to the tail that wags the American economic dog. Until then, MAGA is at war with Big Biz and the bought-and-paid-for political establishment. And this explains much of the resistance to Trump's tariffs and trade position.
A closing observation says a lot. Thomas Donohue, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, is 80 years old. His board is pushing him to retire. The replacement they are looking at is former Congressman Paul Ryan. A perfect fit given the Chamber's agenda."

Circling back to the reaction from the Dem-Media Complex, you will note that every talking head is parroting how tariffs are like taxes that will hurt the middle class and stifle business. And this is no doubt going to be a calculated, pre-digested line of attack they hope will cleave voters away from Trump in 2020. First, what is disgusting is that along with what the Chi-Coms are doing, the shenanigans of Putin and others in Venezuela, the Iranians acting up and even the Euro-Peons going against us is all because they are under the impression that despite the Mueller Report nothing-burger, Trump is under the gun and they should just wait out the next two years until a Democrat regains the White House and they can go on as usual pissing all over us as they did under Obama. Even with this hiccup, I do not see Trump losing in 2020 at all, especially given the utter freak show that is the Democrat Party and field of candidates.

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