Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Freedom of speech for me… but not for thee.

In the American Spectator, Jeffrey Lord writes,
...Conservatives get the gig. Facebook and Google and the Poynter Institute and too many places to name in Big Tech and the “mainstream media” are run by leftist zealots who are rabidly intolerant, bent on controlling speech, deciding what can and cannot be said, and making themselves the arbiters of what is and is not acceptable. It is exactly that world in which conservative media is targeted — and the seriously violent Antifa is given a pass.

Or in other words? Freedom of speech for me… but not for thee. Or in this case… fascism, courtesy of Facebook. Which, in today’s vernacular, could itself easily be labeled hate speech and, yes, dangerous.

This isn’t hard to figure out. The question is: what to do about it?

I vote for freedom. For everybody. This is, after all, America.
Read more here.

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