Here is another good one from the satirical Babylon Bee.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Democrats in Congress are outraged by President Trump’s “sexist”
refusal to nominate their least favorite Supreme Court hopeful, Judge Amy Coney Barrett.
“Oh, we totally would have blocked her,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). “I mean,
besides being a right-wing nutjob, the lady has seven kids. How would she find time to do the job? Even so, the fact that Trump turned her down shows how much of a misogynist he really is.”
In the two weeks leading up to Trump’s announcement, Senate Democrats maintained a vicious PR campaign against Barrett, warning that her nomination would be the end of women’s rights.
Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) sent a memo to her constituents last week:
Dear Californians,
I urge you to take to the streets in protest of the potential Supreme Court nomination of
Amy Coney Barrett. Let the Trump administration know that we will not stand for a
justice who is literally—literally—on the record saying she respects the constitution. How
dangerous. The Americans who survive this nomination will be living in a Handmaid’s
Tale in less than a year. Mark my words.
On Monday evening, Senator Harris sent an additional memo:
Dear Californians,
Shocker—Trump nominates a white male to the Supreme Court, obviously dismissing
the only female nominee because of her gender. I urge you to take to the streets in
protest of the clear discrimination demonstrated by the denial of the nomination of a
woman to the Supreme Court. How could he? We’re in a living hell.
As of Tuesday, feminist protesters in D.C. have exchanged their “#BLOCKAMY” signs for signs that read, “SEE? TRUMP HATES WOMEN.”
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