Sunday, June 10, 2018

Looking cool

Glenn Beaton writes in the Aspen Times,
...Marxism typically makes problems worse. So too with Marxism lite in the form of socialism, "liberalism" as Americans have corrupted the term and, more recently, "progressivism." (Have you noticed how they keep changing their brand as soon as people catch on to them?)

Witness how Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" programs created a permanent underclass. Witness how the recent obsession with "diversity" and "inclusion" have created entire fields of monolithic political correctness such as academia, journalism and nonprofits where diverse thinkers are largely excluded, censored and even vilified.

Witness how giving free stuff to vagrants has increased vagrancy. Witness how student loan programs have encouraged kids to take on crushing debt to pay outlandish tuition at colleges where they're indoctrinated more than educated.

...Progressives are like me in 1973. They're not trying to solve problems. They're trying to look cool to the world. Failing that, they're trying to look cool to themselves; they're trying to feel good about themselves

...But now I have a different take. I now realize that spending other people's money on destructive programs for the purpose of making myself look cool is not cool, despite what the group-thinking cool kids say.

That's why I became a conservative. My aim is to solve problems, not to milk them.

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us.
Read more here.

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