Friday, June 15, 2018

Devin Nunes: "This is a classic case of obstruction!" DeSouza: Criminals with badges!

Comey's game with Congress: "This is all classified. We can't talk about it!" "It is still true today with the people in charge at DOJ and FBI: they are trying to run this clock out so we can't finish our investigations."

Laura: Comey should change his middle name to Hubris!

Unlike the other talking heads, Laura Ingraham has actually read the IG report. The FBI and DOJ intended to impact the election, but they failed. Do not underestimate Laura Ingraham, who is very smart, and is getting better and better at her new gig as a t.v. commentator.

How about Obama's lie that he found out about Hillary's private server "at the same time as everybody else," through the media. In fact, Obama was one of thirteen people who communicated with Hillary on that private server, using a fake name. What did he know and when did he know it? Congress should subpoena Obama.

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